5 Ways to Improve Page Speed

When it comes to eCommerce, time matters. Just one second can make a huge difference in keeping the attention of a potential customer. That’s why the page speed of your website is so important. Even just one extra second of loading time can lead to significant drops in pageviews and conversions.
Every second counts when it comes to your business, so you want your website to be running at the highest speed possible to help save you from losing potential customers. If you notice even the slightest delay in page speed, then you have to be concerned that it could be costing you hard-earned customers. With that in mind, here are the top 5 ways to improve your page speed and keep your website moving quickly.
Analyze Page Speed
The first step to improving your loading times is analyzing it and discovering the problem. You can run a test that can break down the load times of all elements of your webpage and determine what is taking the longest to load. A tool that performs a website speed test, such as WebPageTest, can show you where these delays are coming from and help show the gap between when the page begins to render and when it completely loads. By simply gaining an understanding of the areas where your page speed suffers, you can take a more specific approach to find the problem areas and the solutions to have faster loading times.
Optimize Images
One of the more common reasons for delays in loading time and page speed can be large image files. Many of the product images you want are high-quality, but too much size can create a lot of loading speed issues. Using a free image re-sizer, you can bring large files down to an appropriate size. Find out the maximum allowed image size for your website. Save your images as that size and even use an 80 percent quality version that can reduce the file size even more and make your images more optimized for faster page load times.
Remove Unneeded Plugins
There are some plugins that provide value, like the Google Analytics plugin that can provide you with valuable information about your website visitors. That said, some plugins can really slow down your website speed. Check your HTML code to see that you even need to include a lot of plugins and remove the ones that are not essential. This can improve your website speed and loading times and create for a faster and better experience.
Remove Unnecessary Coding
Before your page is viewable, your CCS file needs to load. If you have built on the same code for a long time, it may have unnecessary coding that can make the file larger and need more time to load. If this delays the visibility of your website, you run the risk of losing people before they even reach your website. You should review the case and look for any hidden elements that are not in use or use an online tool that can analyze CSS and remove the extra spaces. By just removing some of the unnecessary clutter, you can give your pages a noticeable boost.
Cache Your Pages
Caching your pages means that you can reduce the number of requests that are made to the server. When you do this, your page speed can increase greatly. Websites that use this method are often successful during times of higher traffic when many users are trying to use your website at the same time. By making sure you cache your pages, you ensure that you are prepared for a rush of users and can make it easier for returning visitors to get onto the page quickly and easily.
Is page speed something with which you have experienced problems? A custom development project can help to improve your website speed and loading times for the better and make for better customer experience.
Customer experience is an essential part of the buyer’s journey. If buying a product online is still going to take an hour, there are people who are going to leave and look for another source to get the item they were looking for. You can see better performance from your website from new website visitors to potentially a higher number of conversions just by offering your customers great user experience.
Get the custom development project you need to get your website into top shape, loading fast, and providing smooth operation so your visitors are impressed with how quickly they can get to the pages they want to see.
With the help of 1Digital Agency and our expert web developers, page speed can certainly be addressed with the right custom development project. With an improved site speed, you can see better search engine results and SEO performance. You can keep customers impressed with how your website operates, leading to lower bounce rates because customers will want to be on your website.
Let us know what you are looking to improve with your website and page speed by contacting us by calling 215-809-1567 or sending an email to info@1digitalagency.com to learn more about what services we provide. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals and grow your online business.