1Digital®️ Agency’s 5 Best eCommerce Guides of 2023
Followers of the 1Digital®️ Blog know that we, the writing team, are extremely passionate about what we do. So passionate, in fact, that we’ve published at least one post a day, every day, since deciding to revive this platform in February of last year.
Our efforts have resulted in a whopping grand total of 126 (!!) blogs posted thus far since we began, with this post numbering lucky #127. With fall closing in, it’s time to highlight what I personally think are the best ones out of all of the posts that we’ve written. So without further ado, here is my (completely subjective) list of 1Digital®️ Agency’s 5 Best eCommerce Guides of 2023:
#5: Organic Marketing Tips That Will Help You Grow Your Business by Michael Esposito
Reading blog posts from Espo is always a treat. Regardless of the topic, he always writes with conviction while imparting knowledge in an easily digestible format. His trademark self-deprecating humor is also deeply appreciated – we are writing about marketing here, which isn’t always the most compelling of subjects.
In this guide, he talks about why organic marketing is the way to go – and how it might even be more advantageous than paid advertising in some cases. In addition to being cost effective, Espo proposes that organic marketing is a sustainable practice that is easier to build on over a long-term period while also helping an ecommerce website or business build authority and credibility.
He also offers helpful tips on how to best reap the rewards of organic marketing. These include starting a blog and committing to regular posts, optimizing product pages for SEO, and being active on social media, among others.
#4: 10 Must-Have Ecommerce Strategies for Steady Growth in 2023 by Francis Concepcion
Like Espo, Francis has a knack for presenting information in a way that can be easily understood by the average layperson. I’m also a huge fan of how he sprinkles in pop culture references in his blog posts, adding much-needed humor and wit to what would have otherwise been a long – possibly even boring – read.
In this post, he talks about something that all ecommerce business owners should pay attention to: timeless and proven growth strategies that can take their business to the next level.
He lays down the basics: things that every ecommerce business owner should already be doing, if they aren’t already. These include providing excellent customer service, engaging with their customers, and creating a positive experience for those visiting their website. He also emphasizes the power of storytelling and being transparent about reviews.
#3: Marketing to Gen Z: Why it Matters and How to Get it Right by Erika Ungson
I felt uniquely qualified to write this piece on marketing to Gen Z because I happen to spend a lot of time interacting with this demographic. I was also inspired by my younger sister, who was born in 1998, while writing this post.
In 2023, it’s safe to say that the new kids on the block – Gen Z – decidedly aren’t kids anymore. Nothing drove this point home for me more than the fact that my aforementioned younger sister graduated from medical school this year. This means that she’s now part of the workforce and is expected to be doing a lot of spending.
Marketers definitely need to pay a lot of attention to Gen Z, given their purchasing power and the considerable amount of influence that they wield over family spending. However, traditional marketing tactics simply won’t work on Gen Z: this is a demographic that values authenticity and transparency.
To that end, I laid down the basics of marketing to Gen Z, which includes creating relevant content, leveraging social media, and pivoting to a “mobile first” approach.
#2: Are You Telling the Right Stories? The Benefits of Storytelling For eCommerce Brand Building by Francis Concepcion
As a content producer, I’ve always been aware of how vital it is to tell compelling stories, especially for ecommerce businesses looking to get their brand off the ground. In this post, Francis dips into knowledge he’s gleaned from reading Donald Miller’s “Building a StoryBrand” to illustrate just how powerful storytelling can be, especially in the digital age.
He asserts that stories have the ability to help ecommerce businesses become instantly more relatable to their customers, creating a powerful connection. From this connection comes true loyalty to the brand, instant recognition, and ultimately, increased revenue for the business.
It’s a compelling read because the post itself is a demonstration – and a love letter – to telling the right stories.
#1: What I’ve Learned About Getting People to Read What I Wrote (Content Marketing Wit & Wisdom) by Michael Esposito
If there’s one 1DA blog post that I keep going back to again and again, it’s this piece from Espo. As an SEO content producer, I’m always on the lookout for ways to perfect my craft. This piece has been immensely helpful – not just for me, but for anyone who’s looking to start a blog, especially for the purposes of using it to market their ecommerce business.
I’ll be honest: writing is my job, and on some days, it can feel like a chore. Espo’s passion for writing is at the forefront of this piece, and it’s positively inspiring. In it, he offers practical, real-world advice that’s based on his own experiences. He strongly advocates for writing good copy, claiming that it is the secret sauce to effective content marketing. He stresses the importance of cultivating a consistent and distinctive brand voice and offering value to the consumer.
Unlike other guides to copywriting and content marketing, though, he also goes into what to avoid (flat copy, for one) and cautions against striving for virality, which is about as effective as shooting for the moon.
In all, this guide to content marketing is as educational as it is inherently witty, which is why I’ve found myself reading it several times – despite being quite the long read. I think that the points that Espo has laid out in this piece will be valuable to anyone who’s looking to get their feet wet in content marketing, whether they’re a novice SEO copywriter or an ecommerce business looking to create their own content.
Like Francis’ blog on the #2 spot, this is a love letter to copywriting and writing in general that’s definitely worth your time.
The 1Digital®️ Blog is a constantly updated resource on all things ecommerce, told from the point of view of people who are passionate, dedicated, and excited about what they’re writing. We try to post at least once a day, so make sure you come back for more!